My First Article on Medium

2 min readSep 24, 2020

This is not an article about my first article on Medium, it is actually my first article on Medium.

I’ve read that, the more you do something, the better you get at it. What immediately comes to mind is that Malcolm Gladwell notion that you have to do something for 10,000 hours and that “bad at something being the first step to being sorta good at something” meme of Jake from Adventure Time .

For this first post, I don’t have any outline planned out, but rather writing in a James Joyce stream-of-consciousness style (except, not as good as James Joyce… probably).

I suppose this would be a good point to discuss what I might write in future articles.

My interests are quite broad (I would imagine not that much broader than most), and I don’t have any plans on becoming any sort of “specialist” on Medium (not yet, anyways). So I suppose I will be writing about whatever I happen to be into at that moment in time, or perhaps a recap of how I won my last shower debate (i.e. those debates that you have in your head with an imaginary opponent and, sometimes even an imaginary audience).

It would be interesting, 10 years from now, to read the articles that I publish to see what was going on in my head at the time. Wait a minute… Isn’t that what diaries/journals are for??

Can’t say whether I’ll change the world or even capture anyone’s interest through my writing, but let’s see where this goes!

This looks like a good amount to have written for my first article. That was surprisingly, relatively painless! (At least it was for me, can’t say the same about whomever is reading this)

